Manuchar’s Actions for World Environment Day

The 2023 World Environment Day campaign #BeatPlasticPollution works as a reminder that people’s actions on plastic pollution matters. Creating a more sustainable planet is a collective endeavor that transcends borders and involves every individual.

Plastic pollution has become a severe threat to our planet, and we're taking action!

  • We recycled 163 tons of plastics in 2022.
  • Over 40 operational facilities recycle their polypropylene bulk bags.
  • In less than one year, we saved over 30.000 plastic bottles with the help of the Dripl® water refill point at our Headquarters.
  • We have partnered with River Cleanup®, a non-for-profit organization under Belgian law who organize events to remove plastic waste from rivers around the world.

Furthermore, aside from addressing the issue of plastic pollution, we have actively pursued other measures to promote the development of a more sustainable planet.

At a Group Level

  • We achieved a 7.6% reduction in CO2 emissions in 2022.
  • Electricity purchased from renewable energy sources increased by 732.8 MWH.
  • We reported a 59% decrease in waste to landfill in 2022.

At a Local Level

  • At our Headquarters in Antwerp, in addition to our solar PV system, we started purchasing energy from a certified renewable energy source (specifically solar and onshore wind energy), halving our carbon emissions generated from the purchase of electricity (scope 2).
  • Our Headquarters achieved Carbon Neutrality by supporting a certified climate project, the Rwanda Water Project, which repairs and rehabilitates damaged wells, and drills new ones to ensure that clean water can be accessed in the region.
  • Manuchar Honduras installed a solar PV system in their offices in San Pedro Sula which now supplies 60% of their energy requirement.
  • Manuchar South Africa installed polycarbonate translucent roof sheets, saving up to 75% of the energy used for lighting buildings.
  • Manuchar Vietnam are investing in electric forklifts to replace their diesel ones, each forklift replaced will eliminate over 1.000L of diesel consumed annually.
  • Manuchar Philippines transitioned their fleet of delivery trucks from regular diesel to biodiesel, a low carbon alternative.

Our goal is to intensify our actions throughout 2023 and make substantial contributions to the improvement of our environment.

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