Business Records
We keep complete and accurate records reflecting our business transactions in line with relevant regulatory requirements. We never compromise the integrity of a business record by knowingly entering untrue or inaccurate statements or by hiding information on transactions or payments. This includes inspection or testing reports. We also do not influence anyone else to do so.
Confidential Information
Confidential information includes sales and marketing data from our customers and suppliers. We safeguard and protect this information and only share it with other colleagues on a need-to-know basis. We avoid unintentional disclosure, both internal and external. We respect confidentiality agreements and comply with the agreed obligations.
Third Party Intellectual Property Rights
We respect all third-party intellectual property rights, including copyrights on images, trademarks on brand names and patents on inventions. We avoid breaching such rights. In case of doubt, we verify if there are restrictions on the use.
Data Privacy
Data privacy relates to data attributable to individual persons, for instance a mobile number, home address and date of birth.
We treat personal data confidentially and comply with all laws that protect personal data, for example the European General Data Protection Regulation.