News 01/24/2023 International Day of Education The United Nations proclaimed 24 January as International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education for peace and... Peru 01/23/2023 Manuchar will expand its logistics line and diversify products in Peru The Belgian multinational Manuchar will seek to grow next year in its two business lines in Peru. Peru 01/23/2023 Fertigation is an alternative to mitigate fertilizer shortages. The fertilizer crisis continues to have a negative impact on the production and price of various crops worldwide. 12/26/2022 Manuchar signs an agreement to acquire Plury Química Acquisition of Plury Química will strengthen Manuchar’s presence in the human nutrition market in Brazil 12/22/2022 Manuchar wishes you a wonderful 2023! Greetings from our Manuchar family around the world! 11/24/2022 Manuchar Brazil wins the "Ser Humano" Award! Last night, the award ceremony for the 42nd edition of the Ser Humano (Human Being) Award took place and Manuchar Brazil was awarded in the... 11/24/2022 Manuchar Brasil es el ganador del reconocimiento "Ser Humano” Anoche se celebró la ceremonia de entrega de la 42ª edición del Premio “Ser Humano” y Manuchar Brasil fue galardonada en la categoría de... Peru 11/17/2022 GIS – Integrated management systems: importance and advantages offered by its implementation management systems in organizations play a very important role in avoiding inertia and the repetition of errors in activities. 11/02/2022 Manuchar HQ switches to electric cars At Manuchar, we care about our planet and the environment. Load more