Peru grows from 10 thousand MT to 150 thousand MT in aquaculture production

During the last two decades, aquaculture production increased its growth rate 15 times, going from 10,000 tons in the year 2000 to about 150,000 tons in the last 3 years. Although the figures are encouraging, we still have a long way to go, since if we compare ourselves with our neighbors in the region we are still far behind, however, this also means that there are opportunities for innovation and improvement for the sector.

The aquaculture industry will play an essential role in world food in the coming years, since the world's per capita consumption of fishery and aquaculture products amounts to 20 kg per year. For this reason, Peru must aim to reach 10% of the national fishing production from aquaculture by 2030, in this way we could produce 800 thousand tons. To achieve this, companies in the sector must aim to improve their competitiveness in innovation and product quality; and reforms that support this business activity must be promoted from the state.

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