Manuchar will diversify fishing lines due to good expectations of aquaculture production

Manuchar Peru is committed to the growth and development of the Peruvian aquaculture sector, since it is projected that this sector will close the year with a growth of between 25% and 30%, due to the impulse of the international market demand for hydrobiological species, which has generated greater investment in this segment of the fishing business.

At the rate of these positive projections for the aquaculture industry, the Manuchar fishing line estimates a 10% growth in its sales for the end of this year (2,500 tons of aquaculture products). For this reason, the company has begun a process of diversification of its line of business focused on this activity, seeking to further expand its market, evaluating venturing into the production of trout and species from the Amazon, although everything will depend on the level of industrialization that the area reaches.

It is expected that by 2030 aquaculture products will represent 10% of the total Peruvian fishing production, but for this it is necessary that the companies in the sector begin to formalize and associate with the objective of investing in technology and achieving industrialization.

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