Gino Toscanelli gives some advice on frozen fish products.

Despite the recent oil spill off the Peruvian coast, it should be noted that all species caught beyond 5 to 10 nautical miles are suitable for human consumption.

Gino Toscanelli, head of the fishing line in Manuchar Peru, explains how frozen fish products are a safe and quality option, since the nutritional properties remain practically intact, oxidation and bacteria development are prevented. However, these products must have an optimal freezing process.

Toscanelli gives us 5 tips so that consumers can recognize fishery products that have been frozen in good condition:

• The expiration date must not exceed 8 months from when it was frozen.

• The packaging must not be frosted.

• The pieces must be frozen individually, not joined piece by piece.

• Preferably, fish fillets should be vacuum frozen.

• It should have a typical coloration. A yellowish tint could be associated with an oxidized or deteriorated product.

You can read the full note at the following link:

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