Risk & Compliance
We apply quality governance via policies, standard operating procedures and process management principles. This way we minimize risk, comply with local laws and regulations, satisfy customer requirements, and meet the expectations of our stakeholders and partners.
We systematically conduct surveys, audit our internal processes and review the outcomes via Risk Management committees to ensure our approach is effective and meets regulatory requirements.
At Manuchar we are proud to be associated with UN Global Compact®, SEDEX®, CDP™, Ecovadis® and Responsible Care®. The foundation of our ESG approach is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Operational Standards and Controls
Health & Safety is our highest priority. Our number one goal is to protect our employees, associates and partners. We aim to minimize the risks associated with maritime shipping, transport, handling and the storage and delivery of our materials including chemicals, dangerous goods, and specialty ingredients.
Our warehouses are located around the world. They are all maintained and operated in line with our global policies and standards of operation according to 5S Lean principles. Continuous improvement is ensured by reporting non-conforming situations, identifying the root cause, reviewing the solutions and taking preventative measures.
Our goal is zero defects. Actions take account of potential impacts of the identified risks.
Our approach is certified by external groups. These can be ISO or local equivalents, market segment related certifications or customer/product specific standards.
Product Risk Management
Manuchar monitors the risks associated with chemicals transport, storage, handling and delivery. This includes their compatibility to other materials. Assessment is via our safety data sheet generation & monitoring system, in association with CHEMWATCH®.
We also provide a 24/7 emergency contact service in case of an accident or incident related to the chemicals we provide. To request a Material Safety Data Sheet, please contact quality.info@manuchar.com.
Manuchar aims for a 100% On Time - In Full delivery performance. Service excellence and 100% customer satisfaction are our goals. We work in close relationship with our customers and manufacturers to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes, including product specification agreements and provision of associated certifications and valid test reports.