Intermediaries, like agents, represent or assist us in our business and must respect the principles of our Code. We contract them for their legitimate added value. In our selection and throughout our business relationship, we carefully screen our partners to make sure they act in line with our Code.
Bribery is giving or receiving anything of value with the intent to receive or keep an improper advantage. Any form of bribery is prohibited. When a bribe is offered, we call it active bribery. Requesting or receiving a bribe is called passive bribery.
Bribery can take place with government officials or in a private context like with suppliers, agents or customers. A facilitation payment, for example a gift to a customs agent to speed up an official action, is also bribery and prohibited, even when done via a third party.
Gifts & Hospitality should be of limited value, reasonable and appropriate. Gifts may never influence business decisions.