News 09/20/2021 World Cleanup Day Manuchar joined forces with River Cleanup to free our city and riverbanks in Antwerp, Belgium of waste. 08/23/2021 Manuchar Nigeria ISO 9001:2015 recertified Manuchar Nigeria has fully completed the recertification process of ISO 9001:2015. 06/07/2021 Manuchar Kenya ISO 9001:2015 recertified Manuchar Kenya has fully completed the recertification process of ISO 9001:2015. 06/02/2021 Donation of food baskets Proud of our colleagues of Manuchar Brazil who donated food baskets to 185 families in Brazil. 05/27/2021 Beach cleanup South Africa On May 22nd, our Manuchar colleagues in South Africa made their way down to the beach for a mass cleanup. 05/21/2021 World Diversity Day video May 21st, is World Day for Cultural Diversity. At Manuchar we enjoy diversity every day! 04/22/2021 Sierra del Lacandón At Manuchar, We Care for our Environment. 04/07/2021 Proud to present ManuCare Our global Social Responsibility Program. 04/01/2021 We Care Report 2020 Proud to present our 3rd Sustainability Report. Load more