Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest occurs when personal interest might conflict with Manuchar's interest. We make business decisions transparently and with integrity, guided solely by Manuchar’s interest. Therefore we avoid conflicts of interest or the perception thereof. If a conflict cannot be avoided, we make sure to report the situation before making any business decision, as transparency is key!
Anti Money Laundering
Money laundering is hiding the illegal origin of funds to make them appear legitimate.
We only accept funds from legitimate sources and we only do business with reputable business partners involved in lawful activities. We are also cautious when a bank account outside the country of domicile of our business partner is used. We report any suspicious transaction or activity.
Fraud takes place in many forms, like falsification of documents, stealing, manipulation of invoices, or not disclosing information when legally required. We do not tolerate fraud. We report suspicion of fraud to our Legal & Compliance department.
Competition Laws
The purpose of competition law is ensuring a fair market for consumers and producers through free competition. Arrangements restricting competition are prohibited, for example sharing prices between competitors or arranging non-competition agreements with a supplier. Therefore we protect commercially sensitive information (such as prices or margins).